Blue Monday. Singing the blues. Feeling blue. True blue. Blue blood. Black and blue. Blue collar. Blue blazes. Out of the blue.
Talking a blue streak until blue in the face can make one blue.

Uh huh.
“What do you mean?” says my Hubster dearest while I am in mid sentence.
“What? What do you mean ‘What do you mean?’” I ask quizzically, my specific verbal goal flashing quickly away as I struggle to recall my immediate past comment.
“What does that mean?” continues Hubby, staring at a point just past my left shoulder.
I turn around to look. There is a potted shrub, a nicely painted wall accented with a chair rail and wainscoting. No clue as to what he is referring to.
“What are you asking about?” I respond, realizing that we are basically mimicking each other. I hold up a hand.
“Yes?” says Steve, as if calling on a student. Granted, he was teaching a class last night, so his professorship was probably coloring his demeanor at the moment.
“Okay, can we stop for a minute? I was just asking that when you are being tired and grumpy with Kidlet, who was equally tired and grumpy at that moment, I would prefer you to talk with me first about your expectations for his completion of chores. Now you want to know what that means?” I was struggling as how to explain it differently.
“No! What did you mean?” snaps The Hubster, now growing agitated.
“Sweetie, I can’t tell you what I meant unless you repeat whatever I said so I know what it is you didn’t understand!”
“Well, that’s stupid! Don’t you remember your own words?” grouses Hubby.
“Please humor me and tell me what I said that has you stumped. Please?” I am now at a total loss as to what it could be.
“Once in a blue moon! You said that Kidlet is only grumpy once in a blue moon! Don’t you recall?” Color is mounting in Steve’s face and neck, an immediate indication that his blood pressure is rising.
“Oh, that?” I laugh, which doesn’t seem to make my spouse any happier. “It’s when there is a second full moon in a month, which very seldom happens. It just means ‘seldom’.”
Steve snorts as he throws down his napkin and prepares to depart the dining table.
“Why didn’t you just say that to begin with? Why do you waste so many words?” Abruptly he turns and stomps off.
I gaze at his hasty retreat off into the wild blue yonder.
Whoops! I did it again. Oh, well, never mind – lol…
So funny - yes i do the same thing except i rarely get told they dont know what i am saying. They pretend they do (they know everything) and its not until i ask (at another time)"Do you know what this means" that i might be told No but usually they dont admit to not knowing something. I find out when they dont follow through or act accordingly. Im not sure which one i would prefer. Having to explain it or just pretending everyone knows everything. HUH!!! Did that make sense??? Perhaps i need a translator too!
ReplyDeleteDid you note on a previous post that Hubby got a job - starts Monday - Fingers crossed this last.
Also, 16 years old left school this week in Year 9. It all got too hard so Ive arranged one on one tutoring in Maths and English. The daily tension has lifted at a time when Hubby needs stability so all good. Son feels great about it and in his tutoring lesson on Thursday (English)she downloaded the military entry requirements and used that to assess his English abilities. Score 10 points for tutor. Tom had to be told to stop reading. He wants to enter as a cook so the Maths tutor has the entry requirements for catering colleges.
funny - i followed what you were saying 100%! brilliant minds run in similar circles...
Deletefantastic news re: hubby & son - possibly a bit of turmoil as the 'norm' is changed, but over all awesome! things are looking up!!
As an Aspie, I am actually quite tired of people I know who understand that I am on the spectrum constantly explaining similes and other figures of speech to me; I can actually understand them fine, thank you. I mean, I read the philosophy of people such as Nietsche who used very colorful and formal language (by modern standards, at least) in their figures of speech and I enjoy the hilarious and insightful wordplay of comedians such as George Carlin who utilize or even deconstruct common everyday phrases to make their points; if I can appreciate those, I think I can grasp the gist of being "green with envy" or having "steam come out my ears."
ReplyDeleteAnd with that, the fat lady is singing and I must leave.
since you understand idioms and similes just fine, then i wouldn't expect for you to ask for clarification as my hubby does - i would never presume that he doesn't understand - my point was that often communication between us can become stalled when he is stuck trying to figure out unfamiliar phrases - every aspie is different, but this trait is common from what i read...